Based on the information you have provided, you may be eligible to use the Semglee Savings Card. This card may help you pay as little as $0 per 30-day prescription for up to a maximum savings of $75, based on your insurance.

Co-pay cards can help lower the out-of-pocket amount you pay at the pharmacy counter because you have commercial insurance. You must have a valid prescription for this product. Your insurance may choose to not count anything beyond what you pay out-of-pocket towards your deductible, if you have one.

Click here: download this Semglee Savings Card.

  • You will be asked to fill out a form that includes your name, email address, and zip code. Once filled out, you will be able to email, print, or download the card.
  • Give this information to the pharmacy (in person or by telephone) so they can add the Semglee Savings Card to their payment system before you pick up your prescription.
  • For questions regarding the Semglee Savings Card, call 800-657-7613 between 8AM and 8PM Eastern Time, Monday to Friday.

Based on the information you have provided, please call the Mylan Customer Relations team at 800-796-9526 for help on affordability and accessing your Mylan insulin prescription.

Under the Mylan Patient Assistance Program, your insulin could be free for up to 12 months.

  • Call the Mylan Customer Relations team at 800-796-9526. They can email, fax, or mail the application to you.

If your application is approved, a supply of insulin will be shipped to your healthcare provider’s office within 3 to 10 business days from approval.